It would not be fair to mention this plant without paying tribute to the collector. The late George Argent who collected it in Sarawak, Malaysia, 1978. This plant resides in the Montane Tropics glasshouse.
Fuschia excorticata or Kotukutuku in Māori is a large growing shrub from New Zealand. Fuschia was originally discovered in the 1690s and was named after the German botanist Karl Fuchs. Therefore, the correct pronunciation as I found out in Germany is fook-see-a instead of fyu-sha. An issue as I continue to anglicize my Latin much to the dismay of my better-spoken counterparts. Fuschia are mostly from Central to South America however, a small disjunct population of three species made it to New Zealand. Fuschia excorticata a large growing shrub to around 15 metres, Fuschia perscandens typically a rambling climber but habit can alter in position and Fuschia procumbens a low growing shrub found in the coastal areas of the northern island. Blue pollen is an unusual phenomenon in the plant kingdom. The three species of Fuschia in New Zealand share this characteristic. I believe the blue pollen is coevolution between one of the endemic pollinators similar t...
All plants have stories. The Botanics over its 350 years has managed to create many, from intrepid tales of plant hunters to discovering plants new to science. Some you hear these stories during walk rounds as a student, others across the canteen table, uncovered in the library and latterly the internet with increasing ease. One of the rather unassuming plants newly planted by the monkey puzzles is Berberis empetrifolia . If you haven't heard of it you are not missing much to be perfectly honest. Phenotypically it is distinctly lacking ornamental prowess to catch the eye. It's low growing, prostrate habit shows a tough life of having to live in the subalpine to alpine areas in the rocky Andes. However, when you dig a little deeper you unveil a rather interesting story. A recently planted wild collected specimen of Berberis empetrifolia B. empetrifolia is often overshadowed by its distant cousin. Berberis darwinii . Which was found by Charles Darwin i...
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